'Feel' the road through your tyres and communicate the information gathered via the 5G network. This is what we saw on the Lainate racing circuit just outside Milan and the rooftop track of the Lingotto building in Turin, during two test drives carried out in a collaboration between Pirelli, Ericsson, Audi, Tim, Vodafone, Italdesign and KTH. Vehicles equipped with tyres fitted with sensors developed by Pirelli Cyber Tyre will be capable of transmitting information about the road surface to the driver and nearby vehicles via the 5G network, giving advance warning of the risk of aquaplaning.

The tyres are the only element of contact between the vehicle and the ground. Thanks to the technology currently being perfected by Pirelli, they will be able to communicate with the vehicle, the driver and, very soon, by harnessing the power of 5G, with the entire road infrastructure. In the near future, the goal of Pirelli Cyber Tyres, which are fitted with an internal sensor, will be to provide the car with data on the tyre model, mileage, dynamic load and, for the first time, potentially dangerous situations related to the road surface, from the presence of water to poor road grip.
This information will enable the car to adapt its control and driver assistance systems, greatly improving the level of safety, comfort and performance. It will also be able to forward the same recommendations to other vehicles and the road infrastructure system.
Thanks to the ultra bandwidth and low latency of the new 5G mobile network, Pirelli will be able to place the tyre within an expanded communication paradigm that encompasses the entire road transport ecosystem, making an active contribution to the development of solutions and services for the mobility of the future and autonomous driving systems.
It is worth recalling that Pirelli is a member of the 5GAA-Automotive Association, the group that brings together major global companies from the automotive, technology and telecommunications industries to encourage digital transformation in the automotive industry, with the ultimate goal of promoting cooperative intelligence mobility systems.

The 'sensorisation' of the tyres is an essential aspect of Pirelli's Perfect Fit strategy, which focuses on the development of products and services tailor made to meet the needs of car manufacturers, vehicle fleets and drivers in general, with one eye always to the future and the changes already taking place in mobility.