Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli has officially adhered as “Partner” to the ”Healthy Workplaces” European campaign, managed by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)

The Agency has run an annual European Campaign since 2000. With more than 30 countries participating, and some 4 million information materials distributed in all official community languages, the European Campaign has become one of Europe’s largest annual awareness-raising campaigns.

The Campaign faces a different theme each two years and, for 2008 and 2009 the subject is “Risk Assessment”. The two-year risk assessment campaign seeks to promote the idea of a participatory approach to risk assessment. It is essential for the workforce to be consulted and involved in the risk assessment to ensure that hazards are identified not only from principles of knowledge but also by knowledge of working conditions and patterns of adverse effects upon workers.

Pirelli’s engagement within this Campaign range from spreading of a risk prevention “culture” through both internal and external company communication channels, to organizing ad hoc meetings by Pirelli sites with the participation of Representatives form the Agency.Gori_busto_thumb

The spirit with which Pirelli adheres to the Campaign has been clearly expressed by Francesco Gori, CEO and Managing Director Pirelli Tyre:  “Attention to health and safety in the workplace has always been an important part of the culture of Pirelli, in all our factories and offices throughout the world. Knowledge, understanding and above all internal sharing of the concept of risk are key elements that we focus on, with the goal of raising the general awareness of the Company on a theme which, more than a collection of rules to respect, is a matter of culture. It is with this spirit that we adhere to the EU-OSHA campaign.”

More on the Campaign and on Pirelli’s engagements in the dedicated web page of the Agency’s site

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This is the outcome of the 2009 review by the SAM Group of the Dow Jones sustainability indices, in which Pirelli continues to be included both in the DJSI WORLD index and in the European DJSI STOXX index.

Within its segment, the Bicocca Group – the only Italian group that has achieved worldwide leadership – obtained a global rating of 88% (+ 11% with respect to 2008) compared with a segment average of 48%.

Exactly as in previous years, for the Autoparts & Tyres segment, only 4 companies were featured in the DJSI World index: Pirelli & C, Denso Corp, Michelin, and Johnson Control Inc., while only two are included in the DJSI STOXX: Pirelli and Michelin.

SAM (Sustainable Asset Management) is the Swiss ethical rating agency that carries out the process of selection of companies for admission to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, a global index that brings together the best companies in the field of economic, financial, environmental and social sustainability, the result of collaboration between the Dow Jones New York stock exchange index, STOXX Ltd. and the SAM Group. Pirelli was selected and added to the Dow Jones Sustainability STOXX (DJSI STOXX) index for the first time in 2002 and has been included for years now also in the global Dow Jones Sustainability World Index